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SDA share our experience of developing talent to improve apprenticeship policy.

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

12/02/2020 - It’s great to connect, so as part of National Apprenticeship Week, SDA were privileged to join a roundtable discussion on degree apprenticeships held at the University of Salford. Practice Manager, Anne-Marie Staley, talked about the value our Chartered Degree Apprentices bring to our business and the importance of our pipeline of talent. Chaired by the University of Salford’s Pro-Vice Chancellor of Student Experience supported by University Directors and Deans, we outlined how the links developed with the University’s apprenticeship team were helping us deliver our “on-the-job” surveyor development programme and ways the system could improve. It was uplifting to hear the views and insights of other employers and see the commitment of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Federation of Small Business and Northern Powerhouse Partnership to raise awareness and accessibility to these fantastic “Plan A” programmes.


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